Well Howdy Gang,
It's been awhile since I posted anything so I thought I'd give a shout out!
I've been super busy but making no money just like a lot of folks out there.... arrrrg!
Seems I have a lot to offer but what I have to offer no one needs!
Think I would have been better off manufacturing toilet paper, cuz everyone needs that!
So during the slump I have been working on a couple of events for this summer which should be really really good and a heck of a lot of fun!
You can check out www.MoldyShows.com for more information, in addition, I've been up dating www.RatFink.org and developing a New Social Network that can be found at www.FinkBook.com
www.FinkBook.com is very similar to FaceBook and has a lot of really great features that you can use to stay in touch with other Finksters. I'd like to invite you all to sign up and and have some fun.
If you have any questions just let me know and I will be more then happy to answer them for you.
Well there you have it... Hope to see you all in cyberspace....
Big Love,
tha Moldy one