Friday, December 18, 2009

Moldy Newz Letter / Happy Holidays / Things to come for 2010!

Greetings from the Moldy one,

First of all I want to wish you and yours, Joy and Love during this
Holiday Season!

I have to admit that for most of us this last year had been pretty challenging and with that I look forward to new and positive things for 2010 which brings me to the following.

A few months ago I was approached by the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation to put together and be part of a series of fund raising events for 2010! After putting our heads together we came up with a calendar of events which are very diversified and rewarding for participants and spectators alike to include the communities in which they will be held. There is a very good chance that one if not several of these events will be held in a park near you so keep on reading!

The following is what we came up with.

Starting in March there will be (8) Weekend events held at (8) different parks for a total of (16) event days. These event dates will not only include an Automotive event but a Carnival, Midway, Farmers Mart, Live Entertainment and More!

With these particular dates I am looking to host specialty Automotive events on Saturdays and then Pre 1973 Kustom, Classic and Hot Rod events on Sundays.

Right now I am open for suggestions in regard to the Saturday events on the weekend dates, I'm looking for groups or clubs which are type specific, an example would be a all GM or FORD event, an all Motorcycle show, or I'm even open to featuring newer vehicles and clubs that own Mini Coopers,Tuners, Euros, etc. So if you belong to a group or club and have any ideas please take a look at the dates and locations and let me know if you are interested in putting something together! (Note: I will need to know A.S.A.P. so we can put it on the schedule.)

In addition we also have (8) Single day events that will be held on Saturdays at (6) different parks, this means that we have a grand total of (24) event dates overall! Our single day events will feature, pre 1973 Kustom, Classics, Hot Rods, Motorcycles and what ever else ya got! These events will also include live entertainment, tattoo contest, family activities and more!

One date you don't want to miss will be the Kustom Kulture Extravaganza which will be held on July 24th in Altadena CA.

For those of you who have followed me throughout the years you can tell that this next year I'm going to have a pretty full plate! With that said I could really use some feed back and help in putting these events together, I'll be looking for a good street team, volunteers, sponsors, live entertainment, vendors and more! So please visit and let me know if what you think.

Next on the agenda is In the past few weeks I have gathered a whole bunch of new vehicles for sale that are currently featured on the site. Most all of the vehicles are located in Southern California and are very reasonably priced!

Here is a list of what I just added in the past couple of days, so ya might want to check them out by going to the direct link below.

1939 Custom Buick, 1940 Ford Deluxe, 1952 Chevy 4 X 4, 1953 Willys, 1956 Chevy Pickup (Primer)1956 Chevy Wagon, 1957 Chevy Wagon,1960 Cadillac Coupe De Ville, 1960 Oldsmobile 88(Blue) 1962 ChevyImpala, 1963 Chevy Impala, 1964 Dodge Dart, 1965 Chevy Impala, 1967 FordCobra,1968 Chevelle Convertible, 1968 Chevelle HT, 1968 Chevy Impala, 1968 Ford PU,1970 Chevy
C-10 Prostreet

Well I think that should do it for now, if you have any questions or comments you can reply to this e-mail or just give me a call at the phone numbers listed below.

Wishing you and yours all the best during this holiday season,

tha Moldy one

(661) 944-2299 or (800) 880-6567

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Calling all Southern California Pinstripers!

Well Howdy Gang,

Right now I'm in the middle of planning my show themes and special interest activities for my 2010 events schedule!

I have (8) weekend events (Sat & Sunday) for a total of 16 event days and 8 one day events (Sat) for a Grand Total of 24 event dates!

I am looking to hold some panel jams during the season and was wondering if anyone would be willing to help in organizing them.

What we need to do is to get on other Pinstriper networks and send out bulletins, messages, e-mails etc. to figure out which dates would be best for everyone by popular vote or poll etc.

So far all the dates are open and can be viewed at

One Panel Jam date that is a for sure thing is going to be the Kustom Kulture Extravaganza which will be held on July 24th in Altadena, CA

Even if you are not interested in helping with these events, please let me know if you are interested in participating in a panel jam or two and we will keep everyone posted!

The best way to do this would be to e-mail me off of the contact page of the MoldyShows web site, that way I can put you in a dedicated e-mail list for up dates!

Well there you have it....

Thanx Big time,

tha Moldy one

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Day the Music Died

July 29th 2009

Today marks the 2nd anniversary of when the music died as our engines met with silence that marked the end of Los Angeles County Raceway as we all knew and loved it!

So what is has been going on since then?

Plenty, but still to no avail, the saga along with the search for a place to race still continues.

For the past couple of years I have found several locations that would be well suited for such a venue only to be stopped in our tracks with the legal issues and rhetoric verbiage from the County level.

They say they need someone that is a competent operator of such a complex, when we have the operations management, the crew, along with the financial support that would be needed! The hurtle as it seems is as to be able to find the property with the correct zoning and the community support to back it up!

The County suggested finding Industrial M 1 type or land zoned D as they would be the easiest to cultivate into a facility worthy of a race track!

So I’ve used the County GIS maps on line to find such a property. The problem is that most of the land in the unincorporated Count of Los Angeles is zoned A-1 for Agricultural and they are not willing to change the zoning because Agricultural properties are also a kin residential offerings.

On May 2nd 2008 Brian Golden wrote a small inconspicuous column in the AV Press that was titled “Antonovich Still Pushing For The Rebirth of L.A.C.R..”

Every time I’ve had a meeting with the county, I walk out with that warm and fuzzy feeling that something would be done, that the County might help, shown areas of interest, and told that they get back to us, only to wait with baited breath waiting for the phone to ring!

The County had suggested several times that we should go to Fox Field, because they owned the land, so we did just that and spent several months talking with the county, getting blessings from both Fox Field operations and the City of Lancaster, we went as far as to come up with a general plan and layout of the track, to include terms of a 30 year lease, only to be shot down by the FAA who underwrites the airport with grants in order to operate.

Four months turned into a big waist of time!

In the interim I’ve also asked the county if we could shut down a street, one that leads to nowhere on the east side and allow us to hold legal and safe races with the crew and support needed. They came back with find a street then you will have to do and pay for a environmental impact report and then submit it to the county for review. I then asked what about all of the filming I see as the desert streets are closed off, there are lines of trucks, tones of gear, and very large crews, with explosions and special effects going on in the middle of nowhere do they need an environmental impact study? The answer, “Well the Film Commission and the County has a special deal!”

Why can’t we get a special deal?

Getting back to the GIS maps, the maps only show the zoning for the unincorporated areas of the County and do not show the industrial boundaries within the incorporated cities of the Antelope Valley.

Just recently we had a supporter get in touch with the City of Lancaster, and through that contact we found out that the City of Lancaster is planning a Cart Grand Prix in the City streets of Lancaster slated for October 10th and 11th of this year. So with that in mind I contacted the parks and recreation department and we had a meeting.

First of all the people that I met with have some very creative minds and are open to all sort of ideas.

I talked with them about finding a permanent property and they obliged me with a map that shows the lay out of the land which includes light and heavy industrial areas and what they call the Specific plan zonings for the future which at this point can be manipulated to our advantage as long as the property owners in the area are willing to either lease or sell the properties. This area covers almost 14 sq. miles of mostly undeveloped land!

Second was my concept for a 1/8th mile legal street race, providing a safer environment for racers of all ages by using Google earth.

I have found several areas within the City boundaries of Lancaster that might be suitable for such an idea. The City was very accommodating in providing me with information regarding the proper permits in order to do so. After all they too have also had to pull permits in order to run their slated grand prix. Once a suitable location is found then the concept will have to be approved by City Council and then we can move forward to raising the monies and pulling the permits to run a race. I’ve also found a couple of industrial parking lots that might do the trick also.

With a 1/8th mile race the track itself is only 660’ with another 660’ for run out, totaling 1320’ all together.

Yes we all want a ¼ mile track for our permanent situation but for something temporary 1/8th mile will do! 1/8th mile is also safer for the drivers and easier to control.

In San Diego, the San Diego Police along with the city and the county put together a program called RaceLegal several years ago. It’s is a 1/8th mile race that they hold in the Qualcomm parking lot using a portable timing system and provide all of the safety equipment and crew needed to run such a race. They have been very successful and run races there once a month, with between 250- 500 cars in attendance at a time. This program has been very successful and not only beneficial to the community but the kids who attend.

If we succeed with the City of Lancaster then I can run with the idea to City of Palmdale and so on, as to then create a race program that could possibly run as a bi monthly event. Allowing not only to give the kids something to look forward to but also allow ol’time racers the opportunity to fire up our engines and roar down a portable track to victory! This too could boost the local economies in the areas of where a race would be held, by food, lodging and automotive expendable and parts sales.

Imagine if you will teams made up of youngsters and of seasoned racers getting together once or twice a month in a different city or town in the Antelope Valley. Team Lancaster, Team Palmdale, Team Lake LA, Team Littlerock and so on. A program like this could open doors for outside competition bringing in teams from other Cities outside of the Antelope Valley. It could open doors to young racers by getting them interested in their cars instead of drugs, give them something to look forward to and provide a safe environment to allow them to race. The ol’timers set as avatars, teaming up with our youth, teaching them the ins and outs of their machines and the skill of racing like as it should be done. A Brotherhood so to speak! In fact the Brotherhood of street racers has endorsed these ideals for years and still does.

When we lost our Alma mater, the alumni not only lost a safe place to race but a place where people could congregate, to continue an institution for the good of our youth and the future of racing.

Something really needs to be done and I continue my quest in doing so. Please join me, speak out my friends, even shout it if you can, for the squeaky wheel gets the grease and eventually someone will listen!

A Big Thanx to everyone for your continued support,

Jeffrey W. Hillinger, A.K.A. Moldy Marvin

Monday, May 4, 2009 a Social Network for Folks who think outside the Box!

Well Howdy Gang,

It's been awhile since I posted anything so I thought I'd give a shout out!

I've been super busy but making no money just like a lot of folks out there.... arrrrg!

Seems I have a lot to offer but what I have to offer no one needs!

Think I would have been better off manufacturing toilet paper, cuz everyone needs that!

So during the slump I have been working on a couple of events for this summer which should be really really good and a heck of a lot of fun!

You can check out for more information, in addition, I've been up dating and developing a New Social Network that can be found at is very similar to FaceBook and has a lot of really great features that you can use to stay in touch with other Finksters. I'd like to invite you all to sign up and and have some fun.

If you have any questions just let me know and I will be more then happy to answer them for you.

Well there you have it... Hope to see you all in cyberspace....

Big Love,

tha Moldy one

Friday, April 3, 2009

Thinking of our Large Father

Ed "Big Daddy" Roth
March 4, 1932 - April 4, 2001

Photo © Moldy Marvin Automated Entertainment 12/2000

Miss you big time Ed, wish you were still around....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

O.K. Now what did he just say?

So then what you are looking for is a SEM that offers SEO that can update the META tags in your HTML along with the addition of an XML file to get the PR for the ROI on the WWW, right?

I just published a new section today on
it is a list of web development abbreviations and acronyms that can be useful when relating to your web program manager, that way if you are trying to figure out what they are talking about you'll understand!

Here is a direct link to the page!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ed "Big Daddy" Roth Quotes

Ed "Big Daddy" Roth, his art, his cars, his thoughts and his word has been one of my passions for many years now.

I'm 52 years old and have been following him ever since I was about 6 years of age.

I remember as a child looking at the box art of my Roth monster models and thinking that he of all people would be someone I would like to meet one day.

A little over 10 years ago I had the opportunity to meet him.
So with that Dreams really do come true.

After awhile I got to know the man pretty well, he and I collaborated and I came up with a web site called

For those of you who are not familiar with Rat Fink. Rat Fink was a caricature that Ed Came up with, who became his alter ego, his spokesperson so to speak and his claim to fame.

Any way as I got to know Ed I can remember some quotes that have stuck in my mind and have been words that I live by in this crazy world of ours.

The following are some of the quotes that I'm referring to.

" I build the Car First then make a Drawing, are You Paying Attention Detroit ? "

"Big Mess... Big Success !!!"

" Get a bigger brush ! "

" Looks BAD ! "

"No Brains... No Headaches"

" Cars is like women....If ya aint married to em dont touch em ! "

" Money Buys Wot Ya Want!.. Not Wot Ya Need ! "

" Money Comes & goes But Rat Fink Is Forever ! "

" Dont be afraid of the Grim Reaper ! "

" Wot is aint...aint...! "

" Whatever ya are...are it good ! "

" Its Not Kustom Till Its Done ! "

" Push the limit...sometimes! "

" Buicks give me warts ! "

" No Sniveling !!! "

Well anyway Ed "Big Daddy" Roth passed away in 2001 and I really miss what we call our Large Father.

It is amazing all of the friends that I have made too via the association of this man.
There will be no other like him EVER again!

God Bless you Ed,


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I Love You Mom

I Love You Mom

October 20th 2007

It is really strange how life can change within seconds.

One minute I'm outside enjoying the day working on one of my cars when I get a very distressing call from my sister, at first I asked her to hold on so I could clean the grease off of my hands and asked if I could call her right back, she obliged, while I was cleaning up I thought "oh no! today is her birthday and I forgot to call her" yet it was even worse than that! When I called her back she told me that my Mother had just passed away….

Thinking there was something wrong with my telephone I asked her to repeat what she just said, she did and then there was silence!

Our Mother was dead.. just went .. like that… while in the bathroom.. she had a heart attack!

I don't think it has kicked in yet, I'm just in unbelief, denial and most likely later I'll cry like a baby but for now I just want to write about her.

The thing that is really ironic is that her and my step father had just came by my place last week, they came all the way from Reno just to spend one night and visit me and my kids because we hadn't seen each other in years!

When she told me that she was coming down I sort of dreaded the whole thing because I had to get my place ready and presentable for her and I also had to round up my kids.

Anyway this last visit was really good, we got along great and had a really good time, she was so happy to see her grandchildren even if it was only for a moment and now I have to say I'm so grateful that she came, especially now.

I Love You Mom….


Below is a story that my mother wrote back in 1998 for one of my websites she shares her experiences about her cars and life back in the day.

Mom and Dad back in the day.

"My Mother's Cars"


Recently I thought that it would be interesting to get a women's point of view regarding the hot rod culture of the 50's in Southern California, so I asked my Mother to write me a short story about some of the cars that she owned and her experiences with them while growing up in the 50's and 60's. The following is an edited version of what she had put together. I'm sure that some of the following information may be considered boring; however, I thought that it might be interesting to some of you readers, please remember that she is writing to me in first person.

Thank you !

Jeffrey W. Hillinger

A.K.A. Moldy Marvin

My first car was a '39 Plymouth coupe. We were living in Canoga Park at the time. We had moved there in summer or fall, 1951 from the Sunland/Tujunga area because of my fathers work. I started my junior year at Canoga Park High.

I bought the car before my 16th birthday which was in March, '52 and of course couldn't drive it at first as I didn't have a license yet.

Actually don't remember very much about learning to drive. I took Driver's Ed in the fall semester '51, but wasn't allowed to take Driver Training as I wasn't old enough. I do remember a boy friend, (David a trombone player and a straight A student), taking me out in his father's car and letting me drive. I Don't remember my Father teaching me although he may have. He was probably a little gun shy as he had tried, (only once), to teach my mom to drive. Scary, I remember being in the back seat at the time.

I remember going to the DMV immediately after my 16th birthday to get my learner's permit and soon after received my license. I took the test in my first husbands Jim's, (the marriage that didn't count), '48 Mercury convertible, black w/white top. Great pipes, really loud and mellow! I had to make sure the top was up because I was afraid that the guy giving me the test wouldn't like the noise and would give me a failing grade.

That old Plymouth had a few dings in it, but a friend of a friend came over with a mallet and banged some of them out. I bought two different shades of green paint, dark for the body and lighter for the dashboard. (Can this be why most greens are not my favorite colors?) I painted that thing with a paint brush, no fancy sprayer for me. That was truly a "handcrafted" car! It did putt around, though. Never had to go to a mechanic. In fact I named it Putt, Putt.

Shortly after I started driving I was turning around on our street, using a neighbor's driveway. My friend, Vera, who was with me told me that I was "okay", so I backed out and proceeded to tear down the neighbors little short, white picket fence!

The summer after my junior year I really yearned to go back to Verdugo Hill High and somehow my father managed to get a job back at the Record Ledger in Tujunga. However, we wouldn't be able to move back before school started so that little Putt Putt and I made the trip from CP to Tujunga and back several times a week. I can't imagine Mother letting me do this, but she did. I remember that on a couple mornings it was so foggy I couldn't see a thing. There were a few times, too that I stayed with my best friend, Lila Lewis, at her home in Sunland instead of driving.

I don't remember when I got rid of Putt Putt, but it must have been sometime soon after that. I bought it for about $125 and sold it for about $110, so didn't lose much.

The next car that I drove was the '48 Merc that belonged to Jim. Guess it was kind of mine, too, as he's the one I married New Year's eve, 1952. Shortly after we had eloped he received his draft notice, so we decided that we may as well tell our parents that we were married. He left his car with his mother, but told her that I could use it sometimes. So, I would zoom around town, putting those wonderful pipes to their best use, also, turning off the ignition on a downhill ride, and then turning it back on. Boy, what a bang! Then every once in a while, the local police would stop his little old mother, who could barely see over the steering wheel, and bawl her out for going around town making such a racket. She denied

that we were married, his father never did know. And one day I had the car at school and a friend came up to me and said he thought he had just seen me driving down the street. It wasn't me of course. I went to the parking lot to find that the car was missing. Almost had a heart attack! That woman had taken the car without telling me or leaving a message at the school office.

My next car... let's see. Ah, I was going to Metropolitan Junior College, taking a merchandising course and working part-time at the Broadway Department store, downtown Los Angeles. Thoroughly bored with all but my math classes, I was in Pasadena checking into going to modeling school. On the way to the school I spotted this 1949 cream w/black top Chevy convertible. It had to be either the school or the car. Well, you never saw me on magazine covers, so I must have chosen the car!

Somewhere along the way I became unmarried, quit school, went to work as an information operator with the phone company, (the pay sounding so fantastic! not!), moved to Glendale with another girl into an awful old brick apartment building. The bed stood on end in a little hallway when not in use and then we rolled it into the living room where it was let down flat. The kitchen had a tiny refrigerator that sat on top of the counter next to the sink What a depressing place.

It was at this time that I had my first and only encounter with a "car club". I started dating a guy who belonged to one. Now I wonder why he was in it as I don't think he even owned a car! I lived in Glendale and he lived in the Pasadena area. We would go places with some of the other members of the car club, but I later realized that we always used my car. I also realize how incredibly stupid, naive and fortunately, lucky I was. Including the fact that this guy was using my car with other girls or at least one other girl. He was going to lower my car in the back, strip all the chrome off, fill it in and paint it. He did do these things through the sky blue primer stage, but it seemed to be taking a very long time and he had the car all the time. I didn't live far from work at the time. Finally I found out that he either had another girlfriend or was actually living with someone and I got my car back and it never did get it's new paint job.

I remember buying my Pontiac, my Father went with me to find a car. We went somewhere in Los Angeles. Father and Mother had to co-sign for me so the salesman sent forms in the mail to them with absolutely NO FIGURES on them at all. Well, he picked the wrong woman to fool with. My Mother called him and really told him off and we proceeded to get financing elsewhere. He really must have thought we were stupid!

Anyway, the Pontiac was cream w/black top and interior. Just like the Chevy before it. (I later had it painted a light green/blue, can't figure out why as the cream was nice looking.)

Somewhere around this time your father came into the picture. I lived in a different place in Glendale with two roommates, Joyce and Myra. This was a better place that the apartment. It even had a bedroom. I got a phone call from a guy that had been given my name and number from one of the members of the car club mentioned above. Not sure what he gave as my references. This guy was named Cliff. He called several times before I consented to meet him. Each time he would call he would play the saxophone over the phone to me. When I said I would go out with him he asked if I could get a date for his friend. I think that perhaps Cliff didn't have a car and had to be brought to Glendale from Altadena by his friend. Anyway, I got my roommate, Myra to agree to meet this other guy. Enter your dad! I'm pretty sure he had the "46 red Merc convertible then as I don't remember him driving another car. He had the mandatory fuzzy dice, made for him by a previous girlfriend who had dubbed him "Hickey Happy Honey". I thought that Cliff was really handsome, looking like the sexy movie star Victor Mature. (Wonder if he really looked like that?) However, lucky for me and for you, I hit it off better with your dad and Myra liked Cliff, so we switched dates.

When we got married your dad and I had the same cars, '53 Pontiac and '46 Merc. I'm sure he's told you the sad story of the Merc. It met it's demise while we were living in the tiny house in Sunland. A large car across the street

rolled down the driveway and ran right into the Merc which was sitting at the curb. (We were gone at the time.) If the car hadn't been parked at the curb, however, the other car probably would have gone into our living room the curb was knocked loose as it was.

I'm sure your dad has taken care of the cars we had while together but I'll run over it lightly. He next had a "49 or "50 brown Pontiac, convertible, a '55 or '56 pink Chevy. (not necessarily in that order). An old Hillman convertible, which was later traded for a new Hillman stationwagon. We later traded the '53 for a Mercedes 220S. Can't remember what year it was. This car had been in storage for a long, long time and lucky for your dad and I it was covered by a dealer's warranty as things had gotten rusty and they had to do a lot of work, I think that they had to rebuild the engine. Also, the door panels were upholstered with fabric and all I had to do was barely touch the panel with a fingernail and the material would disintegrate.

Sometime later we bought the Mercedes 190SL, year ? maybe '55. Don't know what was traded in on that one. We bought it as a Christmas present for ourselves. Your dad then drove the 220 and I drove the 190. So you can tell people that your family was a 2 Mercedes family for a while!

Your dad sold the 220 when you guys went to Europe and I later traded the 190 in on the 1966 Mustang. I really loved the 190, but it was expensive to fix !

Things sure have changed. The most comfortable, easiest to drive car I've had, however is the '88 Olds that I drive now.

Love you,


Monday, January 26, 2009

VLV Way Home My Friends

VLV Way Home

My Friends

By Moldy Marvin 04/16/06

This morning, it was cold and crisp, didn't even need a cup of jo, just a full tank of gas and a the wind blowing through a window-less 30 C Dan to wake my self up.

The moon was high to my right as I gripped the wheel and barreled down the highway.. it was so inspiring to watch the moon through the open roof top and at the same time see the sun rise in my rear view mirror!

As I made my way home in the steel chariot I often thought about the really great time I had and felt the weight of my anxiety only to come to grips of the reality that I was about to face the real world as I left my friends behind.

It was these friends that I drove to see and it was these friends that drive my spirit. Whether new or old it is always its folks like you that always make it a pleasure.

About half way back to civilization my brothers and I finely stopped for a bite to eat, the journey getting shorter, I ordered eggs, toast and finely that cup of coffee, looked into the cup saw a creamy reflection, my hair blown and face haggard, I thought of one in particular. With that I and my compardres spoke of the times we had, seems like the good times are too short, it was all good, felt like turning back, but had to move on.

Taking it all in, we got to the end of our journey, parked our frothing beasts, went to meet some folks and again made some new friends, felt a little out of place but had a great time. It started getting late, had to pick up my pit, jumped into my primered bug and to my final destination.

Brought in my junk, fed the pup and checked the interweb for mail, as I surfed, again, folks like you came to mind, went to myspace and recharged my batteries so I thought I'd thank you folks for the time spent.

This weekend was fantastic!

Lets all do it again soon,

Love ya,

the Moldy one

Viva Las Resurrection

Viva Las Resurrection
By Moldy Marvin

As I headed out at dawn last Thursday in by brothers 40 bowtie
Her 427 carried me away to a place I had been before
Familiar faces and new names were anticipated
New rides to see along with a new experience were about to appear
Her big block was thirsty and so was I as the festive weekend was about to start

The days were long and the nights even longer
The music was plentiful while the Barley Soda and Jack filled our veins and the plastic Johns in the parking lot!

Oh and what good times I had swapping stories with the boys while chasing the Betties that wore flowered attire, adorning parasols that protected their fair beauty from the blazing sun

It is you, all of you that make up the driving force that brings me to this place.And then, Sunday in the darkness as I pack up to leave, I fire up the 40 to warm her blood

I am Resurrected and so are my brothers who share the ride home
A new dawn, another year, another experience that was truly communal

The steel chariots, the sound of the revving mills and the relationships that will forever be embedded in my heart

Until next year my friends.....

May the roads be open, your journeys safe, with the wind at your back, clear skies above and a full tank of gas

Viva Las Resurrection

Love the Moldy one

Just a few places where I can be found!